Make a Donation

We are asking those who love the Columbia Gorge area to consider making an investment in the future of the community. The Big River Community Land Trust needs funding for the subsidies necessary to build affordable homes for our community’s wage earners. Your donation becomes a permanent investment in the community and is tax deductible. To donate, click here.

Gift Property

If you own surplus or underutilized property in Hood River or Klickitat county, please consider deeding it or selling it at below market pricing to the BRCLT. Donating your land:

  • Offers you an income tax deduction for its full appraised value
  • Lets you avoid any capital gains taxes
  • Eliminates property taxes on that parcel

Finally, you’ll make a difference in someone’s life. Land cost represents one third of the cost of creating housing. Your donation will help make an affordable home for some deserving member of the community. To find out more, please email or call 541-645-0646.


Become a voting member of the Big River Community Trust. Have a say in what BRCLT builds and provides the community! BRCLT Membership is comprised of 3 types:

  • Residential Members (anyone who holds a lease with BRCLT),
  • General Members (general community members, $50 annually),
  • Public Members (appointed representatives by corporations, LLCs or municipal bodies to represent our institutions, $250 annual per representative).

If you’re not sure, come to a Member Meeting and check us out! (Click here for the current schedule of our meetings.) You may become a Member in one of 2 ways: 1) click HERE to download a fillable form which you can mail in with your check; or 2) click HERE to apply online and pay with a credit card.

Become Community Partner

As a member of The Gorge business community you care deeply about housing access and affordability in the region. Community Partners are local professionals, business, institutions and organizations that support the communities they live and work in by aligning themselves with BRCLT’s mission. Community Partners pledge an annual donation and are recognized as key supporters of affordable home ownership in The Gorge. Your Community Partner donation makes a permanent investment in the community and is tax deductible. Click here to become a Community Partner.

Volunteer Your Skills

Volunteer for a special project, like marketing, organizing, work days, or whatever fits into your life.
Fill Out Volunteer Form Here


You’re invited to attend board and membership meetings. Email if you are interested or attend a meeting. (See our meeting schedule here.)


We’re always looking for board and committee members to help do the work of the BRCLT. If you’re interested please contact or attend a meeting. (See our meeting schedule here.)


Learn how to buy a home, get involved, or donate.