Goal 1

Become financially self-sufficient by building and selling 200 properties by 2034.


Develop and implement a sustainable funding plan to support the organization.

Identify and build relationships with foundations who fund grants that will support our work.

Research alternative options for diversifying our funding sources.

Develop and implement a staffing plan that will support our goals.

Establish a revolving loan fund of $3 million.

Goal 2

Be responsive to and representative of our membership.


Expand board to full capacity of nine members.

Develop and implement a strategy for finding and training replacements for board members.

Increase membership to guide board on the needs of the community.

Advocate for the need to support housing for those in the 80-120% AMI range.

Support training and development for staff and board members.

Goal 3

Build and sell 20 homes in three years.


Fundraising and friend raising campaign to secure land purchases and/or land donations.

Build relationships with local business who will support our financial and real estate processes.

Develop and implement a financing model for building houses.

Create and implement a homeowner eligibility policy and selection procedures.

Create a pipeline of qualified buyers to assure timely home sales.

Goal 4

Assure ongoing stewardship of our properties and homeowners.


Clearly identify our role as a steward through policies and procedures.

Identify and build relationships with partners for housing counseling services.

Create and maintain a tracking system for program owners and applicants.

Establish a process for buyer onboarding.


Learn how to buy a home, get involved, or donate.